One More Time

In a manufacturing town in Scotland, a young lady began teaching a Sunday school class of poverty-stricken boys. The most unpromising youngster was a boy named Bob. After the first two or three Sundays, he did not return. So the teacher went to look for him. Although the superintendent had given Bob some new clothes, they were already worn and dirty when the teacher found him. He was given another new suit, and he came back to Sunday school. But soon he quite again, and the teacher went out once more to find him. When she did, she discovered that the second set of clothes had gone the way of the first. “I am completely discouraged about Bob,” she told the superintendent. “I guess we must give up on him.” “Please don’t do that,” he pleaded. “I believe there is still hope. Try him one more time.” They gave Bob a third suit of clothes, and this time he began to attend faithfully. It wasn’t long until he became a Christian and eventually even taught in the same Sunday school. Who was that obstinate, ragged boy who for a time seemed so unreachable? None other that Robert Morrison, who later became the first Protestant missionary to China. He translated the Bible into Chinese and brought the Word of God to teeming millions.

So, discouraged pastor, Sunday school teacher, youth worker, give that disappointing person one more chance.

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