In his Turning Point daily devotional on January 24, 2003, David Jeremiah observes, “New York’s Joel Sherman is the world’s new Scrabble Champion. Using words like vug and helicoid, he beat out Nigel Richards of New Zealand to take first place (and $25,000 in prize money) in last August’s international competition. When asked the secret of his success, he simply replied, ‘This is all I do.’ Sherman, who hasn’t held a regular job in ten years, spends all his time playing Scrabble. His life revolves around the board game, and he lives off the prize money he wins.

“What does your life revolve around? Or, to put it differently, “What is the chief and highest end of man?” The Westminster Larger Catechism answers: “Man’s chief and highest end is to glorify God, and fully to enjoy him forever.”

“How do we honor God? How do we glorify Him? By singing? By attending church? By telling others of His greatness? By living uprightly? By praying?

“Yes . . . But according to Proverbs 3:9-10, we especially honor God by giving. Giving reflects God’s nature, mirrors His generosity, and expresses our awareness that we belong to Him, and that all we have is His. Consider this paraphrase of these verses: Honor the Lord with your money, and with the first part of all your income. So shall your needs be met, and your resources abundantly replenished.”

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