There is an inscription in the dome of our Capitol in Washington which few people know about. It says: “One far-off divine event toward which the whole creation moves.” A visitor saw this inscription and asked the guide what it meant. He said: “I think it refers to the second coming of Christ.” When the dome of our Capitol was erected, some God-fearing official ordered that inscription to be etched in the dome of our seat of government. Believing that its truth was vital to the concern of our nation.

-Billy Graham

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The great preacher F.B. Meyer once asked D.L. Moody, “What is the secret of your success?” Moody replied, “For many years I have never given an address without the consciousness that the Lord may come before I have finished.” This may well explain the intensity of his service and the zeal of his ministry for Christ.

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Did you know that the type most newspapers use for astounding events is called “second coming” type? These are large, heavy, black letters reserved for only the most stupendous, amazing, front page news – such as the return of Jesus Christ. Many will remember seeing this banner headline used to announce the surrenders of Germany and Japan, marking the end of World War II. It also told the news of the assassination of John F. Kennedy and the shooting of President Reagan. This blood heading style has proclaimed successful flights into space, presidential election winners, and other dramatic events of universal importance.

One day mankind will witness the great event for which the “second coming” type was named for – the return of Jesus Christ. Yes, the savior will literally come back to this planet He left so long ago. He will fulfill the promise He gave to His disciples before He ascended to heaven. And when He does, it will command the attention of all earth’s inhabitants. The whole world will know that the Lord Jesus is alive. Truly it will be a headline event”!

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