“Studies have shown that the child who has the lowest self-esteem is the one who isn’t permitted to say anything at the dinner table. The one with the next lowest image of himself is the child who is allowed to dominate the conversation. Highest on the list is the youngster whose parents tell him, ‘Yes, you may speak up – when it’s your turn.'”

-Dr. Joseph Bobbit, child psychologist


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Jay Belsky of Pennsylvania
University has discovered some alarming trends in our society relating to day
care centers.

Belsky cites such
studies as a 1982 one in which preschool personnel observed that children who
had been in group day care since infancy seemed more anxious, aggressive and
hyperactive. Another study was conducted in 1984. It looked at a group of 107
toddlers, some of whom had been in day care more than 20 hours per week and
some who had not. Researchers found that 62 percent of the former group appeared
to be insecure as compared to 31 percent of the latter. Jay Blesky believes
that children who began day care before eighteen months of age present their
parents with more behavioral problems when they reach the ages of nine or ten.


Time June
22, 1987

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Too Cold for His Image

I once saw, lying side by side in a sculptor’s workshop, two heads made of metal. One was perfect. All the features of a manly, noble face were clear and distinct. The other, however, had scarcely a single, recognizable human characteristic. It was marred and spoiled. The man who was showing it to me said, “This one is badly distorted because the metal was allowed to cool before it was stamped out, and therefore it wouldn’t take the impression.” So, too, may souls might have been stamped with the likeness of the Savior while they were still warm with the glow of early youth, but they were allowed to become cold. Thus, they were misformed and their lived ruined.

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