In a world searching for the latest and best ways to have sex, virginity has become an embarrassment. This is to be expected in a society that preaches pleasure, but not in the church where virtue is assumed but not taught. After all, people reason, what is there to write about abstaining? Sex is seen as a fulfillment; virginity, as a vacuum. But it had better be more than that, especially for us single women who outnumber marriageable men by 7.3 million in the U.S. and most of the available ones are not in the church. So unless we disobey God outright by marrying a non-Christian, let’s face it: many of us will never marry. Well-meaning friends tell us to believe God for a mate. But God doesn’t promise us that we will ever marry. He promises us Himself.

-Julie Duin, Homemade – February, 1990


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