Dear Ann Landers: The reader signed “Georgia,” who lived through the Depression and described how hard it was to be a teenager in the 1930’s, said kids today have an easy time of it compared to teens in his day. You said you couldn’t argue with him. Well, I can.
Let me ask your generation a few questions:
Are you parents divorced? Almost every one of my friends come from a broken home.
Were you thinking about suicide when you were 12?
Did you have an ulcer when you were 16?
Did you best friend lose her virginity to a guy she went out with twice?
You may have had to worry about VD, but did you have to worry about AIDS?
Did your classmates carry guns and knives?
How many kids in your class come to school regularly drunk, stoned, or high on drugs?
Did any of your friends have their brains fried from using PCP?
What percentage of your graduating class also graduated from a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center?
Did your school have armed security guards in the halls?
Did you ever live in a neighborhood where the sound of gunfire at night was “normal”?
You talk a lot about being dirt poor and having no money. Since when does money mean happiness? The kids at school who have the expensive cars and designer clothes are the most miserable.
When I am your age, Georgia, I won’t do much looking back, I’ll just thank God that I survived. – OTHER SIDE OF THE STORY IN INDIANAPOLIS.
DEAR INDIANAPOLIS: I told Georgia I couldn’t argue with him. Well, I can’t argue with you either. Thanks for telling us how it is from where you stand.
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