As more and more preachers enter the world of computing, they are learning that a piece of equipment is only as valuable as the software (the programs that are used in the equipment to run practical applications) you have available.
One problem ministers face is learning about just what kind of software is available. To assist our readers, Preaching invited a number of software vendors to provide a listing of programs they provide which relate specifically to the preaching ministry. These listings are provided free of charge.
Program: LEXEGETE/Gospels/Matthew
Hardware Required: IBM-PC or Apple Macintosh, plus word processing.
Cost: $39.95
Description: LEXEGETE is a 3-diskette package of exegetical documents by 35 leading Scripture scholars, based on the 3-year lectionary. Each document explores a Gospel pericope, including key words, Greek analysis, preaching strategy, study references, music suggestions, further reading. Compatible with: MS-WORD, Multimate, WordStar, MacWrite, ASCII files.
Contact: Tischrede Software, Box 9594, N. Dartmouth, MA 02747.
Program: The Scripture Scanner
Hardware Required: IBM-PC or compatible, DOS 2.0 or higher, 256K system memory, single floppy or hard disk system.
Cost: $249.95. $10 demo disk available.
Description: Available in KJV, New KJV, Living Bible and NIV with easy-to-use menu-driven programs. Select scriptures to work with using search, compare and filing techniques. The built-in word processing capability allows almost limitless possibilities for faster, more efficient research and study.
Contact: Omega Software, Box 355, Round Rock, TX 78680-0355. (512) 255-9569.
Hardware Required: IBM-PC or compatible with 256K and DOS 2.xx or 320K and DOS 3.xx.
Cost: $69 plus $5 shipping and handling. Includes manual, tutorial and telephone support. 30-day money-back guarantee.
Description: Use SQUARENOTE to build a personal library of sermon illustrations, Bible references, and notes, each filed by dozens of keywords of your choice. Enter free-form text with SQUARENOTE’S built-in editor, retrieve quickly by keywords, singly or in combination. Browse, sort, search, print or export to your word processor.
Contact: Union Squareware, Box 228, Somerville, MA 02143. (800) 334-0854, ext. 583, or (617) 623-3023.
Program: Shelby Media Libraries
Hardware Required: IBM-PC/XT or AT or true compatible, or IBM System 34/36.
Cost: $175 – $250.
Description: Tracks multiple libraries/collections: sermons, pastor’s library, music, etc. Information tracked: location, acquisition date/cost/replacement, scripture reference, last used, etc. All libraries cross-referenced by title, topic, author, etc. Select from any library to plan sermons, study courses, worship services, etc.
Contact: Shelby Systems, 5865 Hyatt Ridgeway Parkway, Suite 105, Memphis, TN 38119. (901) 767-2372.
Program: Library Manager
Hardware Required: IBM-PC/XT or AT or compatible. Fixed disk with at least 10 mb. Dos 2.0 or later.
Cost: $395
Description: A complete computerized library management system. Use for pastoral or church library. Sort and select lists by subject matter, age or author and thus enhance the teaching aspect of your ministry. Complete support available.
Contact: Membership Services, Box 152130, Irving, TX 75015, ext. 0805.