At a luncheon in a certain city a respected millionaire got up to testify that
“I owe it all to the Lord.” He then shared his secret. “When I
was a young fellow, a call was made for me to surrender all. Young as I was,
and poor as I was, everything I had I surrendered to Christ. I didn’t have much
money, but I put it on the table — all my possessions — and said, ‘Christ, I
give everything back to you.’
It was after that that God began to bless me and
now I’m a wealthy man.
At that point, a voice from the back of the room shouted, “I challenge you
to do it again.”
Ever wonder why most of those who respond to the call of a preacher to
“surrender” all are young? They don’t have that much to surrender —
maybe three T-shirts, two pairs of jeans, and their dad’s car keys. But when
you get to middle age and you own a house and two cars and a condo on the
beach, it’s a different story.
Surrender is a fundamental aspect of consecration, but today we want little of
Illustration taken from: Luis
Palau’s book, How to Renew Your Spiritual
Passion, Discovery House, 1995.
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