?Flowing Streams: Journeys of a Life Well Lived
by Stuart Briscoe
Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2008. Cloth, 200 pp.

?Stuart Briscoe and Calvin Miller are both “seasoned” preachers-and, thankfully, both are charter members of this publication’s Board of Contributing Editors-but though they are at an age when many pastors are settled into rocking chairs, both of these gifted men are busy at work for Kingdom causes. And both of their recently published memoirs are fascinating works that will cause you to thank God for their lives and then desire to walk in their steps.
Stuart Briscoe spent many years as Senior Pastor of Elmbrook Church in Brookfield, Wis., and continues to travel the world preaching as a minister-at-large for that congregation, along with his equally gifted wife, Jill. In this excellent book, he shares the story of his English youth, his preparation for a career as a successful banker, and how God redirected him into ministry. Stuart’s story is a powerful reminder that God chooses His servants from the most unlikely settings-even when they don’t want to be
chosen. Pastors will particularly appreciate his recounting of those early days as a new pastor in a new country and the
lessons learned.
The stories he shares are a delight; the tales he relates of Christian brothers and sisters he has met in his worldwide travels are a treasury of commitment and grace. You’ll be sharing some of these stories in your own sermons after reading this book.

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