In the book Give Praise to God: A Vision for Reforming Worship (P&R Publishing), Mark Dever writes, “Expositional preaching is all about giving God’s people God’s Word. It is preaching in which the point of the biblical passage is the point of the preacher’s message. This is what it means to preach expositionally — to expose God’s Word.

“Christians are obviously to be fed with God’s Word. As our Lord said to the tempter: ‘Men does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God’ (Matthew 4:4; Luke 4:4)…Non-Christians, too, though, need God’s Word. Those who do not yet believe the gospel need to be told of their hopelessness apart from Christ. They need to have God’s Word presented to them; they need God’s Spirit to convict them of their own sin and desperation. Being so liable to God’s judgment, they need to hear of God’s grace.

“All this can happen through expositional preaching. Through such biblically faithful sermons, non-Christians can have Satan’s lies exposed, God’s truth revealed, their own hearts searched and Christ’s grace magnified to them.”

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