Late in the fourth quarter, Michigan trailed Wisconsin by one point in basketball. Rumeal Robinson went to the foul line for Michigan for two shots and a chance to take the lead. He missed both shots and Michigan lost. For the rest of the season, Robinson shot 100 extra free throws after every practice. At the end of the season, playing for the national championship, Robinson again found himself at the foul line. This time, Robinson made both baskets, winning the championship for Michigan.

What if Robinson had only practiced his free throws for a week, then went back to life as usual? He might not have been prepared when he was called to the line in the championship. Difficult situations in life should motivate us to make permanent, not temporary, changes. Repenting for a little while, then reverting to life as usual, leaves us ripe for yet another round of discipline. The psalmist wrote, “It is good for me that I have been afflicted, that I may learn Your statutes.” When God affords you the privilege of a learning experience, make good on it.

Repenting for a little while is just a delayed version of not repenting at all.

(Turning Point Daily Devotional, 9-13-05)

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