In a recent article, Thom Rainer points out that “practices in employing pastors are changing rapidly in the American landscape. Allow me to share with you 10 of these major trends.

“Church consolidations mean more pastors will report directly to another pastor. The trend of smaller churches being acquired by larger churches is accelerating. Many of those smaller churches once had complete authority to call or hire their pastors. Now the larger churches make the decisions, in many cases the pastor of the larger churches.

“Multisite and multi-venue churches will increasingly hire more pastors. The trend of multisite churches is pervasive and growing. For the same reasons as noted in church consolidations, this trend means many of the hiring decisions reside in the home or original church.

“Established churches will have greater difficulty finding pastors that meet their criteria. I see this trend particularly in pastor search committees. Their criteria are sometimes unreasonable and unrealistic. Many of their potential candidates are opting to plant a church or to work in a system of consolidated and multisite churches.

“There will be an increased demand for bivocational pastors. Frankly, the economics of many churches will mandate this reality, both in established churches and in church plants.

“More churches will partner with seminaries to raise their own pastors. Many pastors will thus opt to become a part of a church training or apprenticeship approach.

“More pastors will be gauged by their social media involvement in the pastor selection process. I particularly have noted this development from a negative perspective. A prospective pastor who is argumentative or controversial in social media often is eliminated from consideration. Social media background checks are becoming as common as legal and credit background checks.

“There will continue to be growth in the number of megachurch pastor position openings. This trend is fueled by two simple realities. First, the number of megachurches continues to grow. Second, many of these megachurches are led by aging boomers.

“Pastoral tenure will move in two different directions. I am monitoring now an anecdotal trend: Increase in pastoral tenure at multisite churches, but there is an opposite trend in established churches where pastoral tenure continues to be brief and declining.” (Click to read entire article.)

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