Apologetics matter.

That’s the message of Greg Thornbury in a recent article he did for Christianity Today about why it matters that the Exodus really happened. At the conclusion of the article, he says, “If I don’t miss my guess, many Christians who still go to church might go years without thinking through any challenges to traditional faith. Some preachers have been culturally conditioned to steer clear of talking about doubt, opting instead for pious, devotional talk.

“In this scenario, Western Christians are awkwardly cast as Carol Burnett as Norma Desmond in the classic film Sunset Boulevard: We pretend everything is fine, that we’re still living in our glory days, when our friends are embarrassed for us that we’ve lost it and kind of let ourselves go.

"In a 2011 interview with Columbia Journalism Review, celebrated filmmaker Errol Morris (The Fog of War) says the documentarian’s task is to help audiences ‘rediscover reality.’ He observed:

Someone comes up to you and they say, “Well, I’m a postmodernist. I really don’t care about truth, truth is subjective, or there are all kinds of different versions of truth: your truth, my truth, someone else’s truth.” Then so you say to them, “Well, then it doesn’t matter to you who pulled the trigger? It doesn’t matter to you whether someone committed murder or not or someone in jail is innocent or not? That’s just a matter of personal opinion?”

“Truth matters. People want to know the answers: the who, the what, the when, the how and the why. Without providing those little truths, they may never learn of the ultimate Truth behind them.” (Click here to read the full article.)

Michael Duduit

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