Timothy Keller’s Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God (Dutton) is one of the past year’s 10 top books for preachers cited by Albert Mohler in the March-April issue of Preaching. He notes:

"Christian bookstores are filled with books on prayer, most of them easily ignored and profitably forgotten. The great exception to this is the persistence of classic considerations of prayer throughout the Christian centuries. Modern classics on prayer are rare and often released by smaller publishers whose works rarely find their way into trade bookstores. Today, the great exception to this rule is Prayer by Timothy Keller.

“Keller, founder and senior minister of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City, has written a series books that secular bookstores likely would classify under ‘spirituality.’ but to Keller’s credit, he blends keen pastoral insight with genuine theological reflection. Keller has the unique gift of communicating timeless truth in a way that is contemporary and compelling.

“Keller writes his book against what he understands to be the confusion of religion and spirituality in the Western world today. He describes what he calls ‘a set of powerful crosscurrents causing dangerously choppy waters from many inquirers’ about prayer. Most urgently, Keller urges Christians to learn to pray. His book is a good way to begin that journey.”

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