Thom Rainer recently cited his top 10 posts from 2015, and one of them was on things not to say to the preacher right after the sermon. Among his list were these:
1. “I am going to be late for lunch because you preached so long.”
2. “You must not have had much time to prepare that sermon.”
3. “My former pastor preached a much better sermon from that text.”
4. “I wish (fill in the blank) had heard that sermon.”
5. “You acted as if you weren’t feeling well while you preached.”
After reading those, I thought of a few other comments I’d rather not have heard as I was standing by the exit after preaching:
1. “Thanks for the great nap, preacher. I needed that!”
2. “You should have heard Charles Stanley this morning. Now that was a sermon!”
3. “Oh, preacher, every sermon you preach is better than the one after it!”
Hope you hear only nice comments in 2016!
Michael Duduit
Follow on Twitter @MichaelDuduit