Our last Issachar Conference was a tremendous success! It moved us in ways that we never anticipated, taught us lessons we never expected and confirmed needs for improvement. These things made us more acutely aware of our necessity for growth. From your many testimonies, I know that you were blessed and benefited by our experience. Our witness here at The Church Without Walls remains that the conference was more helpful and illuminating to us than it was for any of you.

We hope that you will join us this year for another exciting time of renowned pastors sharing their hearts and stories, informative workshops and powerful preaching. We anticipate that our spirits will be stimulated once more to operate in the excellence that characterizes ministry that pleases God.

To facilitate a platform of opportunities to develop optimum Christian church leadership.

To equip Leaders to grow Churches by connecting with Communities to transform an unchurched Culture.

The purpose of The Issachar Conference is to equip today’s leader with the necessary tools that will enable him or her to understand the set times of the church.  These times require the men and women of God to take a valiant approach to the Ministry of Christ in our ever-changing world.

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