Did you know there are more than 200,000 children injured on America’s playgrounds each year? According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, 75% of those accidents are caused by falls, equipment failure or nearby hazards. Many of these incidents could be averted by employing a playground safety program to set guidelines for the management and maintenance of playground facilities.
The S.A.F.E.™ program, created by the National Program for Playground Safety, can be used as a blueprint to implement strategies to prevent injuries on your playground. Here are four factors in the S.A.F.E system to help you maintain a safe and fun playground for kids of all ages.
- Supervision: Properly trained and equipped supervisors should always be present to prevent accidents and improve overall safety. Always have a minimum of two adult supervisors on duty.
- Age-appropriate design: Install and label equipment specifically designed for children of differing ages to help prevent accidents. Playgrounds should be built for two age groups: 2-5 and 5-12.
- Fall surfacing: Falls are the most reported playground accident. Evaluate your playground surfaces to minimize injury from hard or course materials.
- Equipment Maintenance: Routine equipment inspection and up-to-date maintenance records can help identify potential hazards before they develop. Make repairs as soon as possible and always follow manufacturer’s guidelines.
Church Mutual Insurance Company knows that playground safety isn’t all fun and games. That’s why we’d like to share our complete list of playground safety and maintenance tips, including additional S.A.F.E.™ playground practices, to help you keep your playgrounds, and especially the children in your care, free from harm and injury. You can find this, and other free safety resources, at churchmutual.com/playgroundsafety.