Imagine standing before a completed work of art, where every stroke of the brush, every color, and every detail has been meticulously crafted. At that moment, you witness the artist step back, take one last look, and with a sense of finality, proclaim, “It is finished.” There is a profound sense of satisfaction and accomplishment that fills the air. Completion carries weight and significance, capturing our attention and stirring our hearts.

Today, we gather with that same awe and wonder as we reflect on Jesus’ final words from the cross. In the midst of His excruciating suffering, Jesus utters a phrase that reverberates through time and eternity: “It is finished.” These three simple words encapsulate the culmination of His earthly ministry and the ultimate act of love ever witnessed.

Our passage for today is found in John 19:28-37, where we will delve into the depth of Jesus’ love and unpack the profound meaning behind His proclamation. Join me as we journey into the heart of Jesus’ lasting proclamation of love and discover the transformative power of His finished work on the cross.

Contextual Understanding

To truly grasp the magnitude of Jesus’ proclamation, “It is finished,” we need to immerse ourselves in the vivid backdrop of the crucifixion scene and the events that led up to this climactic moment. Picture the somber hill of Golgotha, where Jesus, the Son of God, was nailed to a wooden cross, suspended between heaven and earth. It was here, amidst the unbearable pain and the weight of the world’s sins, that Jesus demonstrated the fullness of His love.

The physical and emotional state of Jesus on the cross is beyond comprehension. His body, beaten and bruised, bore the marks of merciless floggings. A crown of thorns pressed into His brow, causing blood to trickle down His face. Each breath He took was a struggle as the weight of the cross bore down on His shoulders. Yet, it was not only physical suffering that Jesus endured. He carried the weight of humanity’s transgressions, experiencing the depths of separation from His Father’s presence.

Let us now turn our attention to the Gospel of John, specifically John 19:28-30, as we read aloud the words that encapsulate the essence of Jesus’ sacrificial love and the completion of His redemptive mission. Listen closely as the Scriptures transport us to that moment on the cross, where Jesus, in His final breaths, declares, “I am thirsty… It is finished.”

Unveiling Jesus’ Proclamation

The phrase “It is finished” comes from the Greek word “tetelestai,” which carries a profound meaning. In the culture of that time, “tetelestai” was often used to signify the completion of a task or the payment of a debt. By using this word, Jesus emphasized that His mission, the work He came to accomplish, had been fulfilled in its entirety.

Jesus’ declaration holds immense significance when viewed in light of His mission and purpose on earth. Throughout His ministry, Jesus consistently proclaimed the coming of the Kingdom of God and the need for repentance and reconciliation. By declaring, “It is finished,” Jesus affirmed that He had accomplished everything necessary for the redemption and salvation of humanity. His perfect life, sacrificial death, and triumphant resurrection all played a vital role in fulfilling God’s reconciliation plan.

The theological implications of Jesus’ words are profound. His proclamation of completion signifies the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies, the establishment of a new covenant, and the triumph over sin and death. Through His finished work on the cross, Jesus accomplished what no human effort could ever achieve – the forgiveness of sins and the restoration of a broken relationship between humanity and God. The words “It is finished” resound with the assurance that our salvation is secure and that the power of sin and its consequences have been overcome through Christ’s redemptive work.

The Depths of Jesus’ Love

The sacrificial nature of Jesus’ love for humanity is a testament to the depths of His compassion and selflessness. Jesus willingly endured unimaginable suffering on the cross, bearing the weight of our sins and offering Himself as the ultimate sacrifice. His love went beyond mere words or sentiments; it was a love that took action, leading Him to lay down His life for us.

Scripture illuminates the extent of Jesus’ love. Romans 5:8 declares, “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” This verse underscores the unconditional nature of Jesus’ love. It was not based on our worthiness or goodness but on His divine love and mercy. 

To better grasp the magnitude of Jesus’ love, we can draw parallels to personal experiences or relatable stories. Consider a parent who willingly sacrifices their comfort and well-being for the sake of their child’s welfare. Such sacrificial love mirrors the selflessness demonstrated by Jesus on the cross. Reflect on moments when you have experienced unconditional love or witnessed acts of profound sacrifice. These glimpses can remind us of Jesus’ extraordinary love for us, inspiring us to respond in gratitude and share that love with others.

The Impact of Jesus’ Finished Work

The practical implications of Jesus’ finished work on the cross extend to believers today, shaping every aspect of our lives. First and foremost, His sacrifice brings forth the incredible gift of forgiveness of sins. Through Jesus’ atoning death, the barriers that separated us from God have been torn down. We are invited into a restored relationship with our Creator, where guilt and condemnation are replaced with grace and mercy.

Furthermore, Jesus’ finished work on the cross offers the pathway to reconciliation with God. The brokenness caused by sin is mended, and we are welcomed into the embrace of our heavenly Father. The chasm between humanity and God has been bridged through Jesus’ redemptive act, enabling us to experience the fullness of His love and intimacy.

As we contemplate the magnitude of Jesus’ love and the impact of His finished work, a heartfelt response is called for. We are invited to accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, acknowledging His sacrifice and entrusting our lives to Him. This acceptance initiates a transformative journey, where the power of sin is broken, and a new life in Christ begins. In light of Jesus’ love, we are challenged to live as His disciples, reflecting His love and grace to a world in need. Let us respond to Jesus’ finished work with gratitude, surrender, and a steadfast commitment to living under His teachings.

Jesus’ Lasting Proclamation

Jesus’ proclamation, “It is finished,” carries an enduring significance that reverberates through time and eternity. It is not a mere momentary declaration but a profound statement that echoes throughout history. His words signify the completion of a divine plan foretold since ancient times.

By connecting Jesus’ proclamation to the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies, we witness the intricate tapestry of God’s redemptive story. Jesus became the ultimate fulfillment of these prophecies through His finished work, demonstrating His divine identity and purpose. The words “It is finished” signify the establishment of a new covenant, where the promises of God find their fulfillment in the person of Jesus Christ.

Jesus’ finished work on the cross offers hope, assurance, and a firm foundation for our faith. Through His sacrifice, we find forgiveness, redemption, and the assurance of eternal life. In the completion of His work, Jesus conquered sin and death, offering us the hope of a transformed life and a future in His presence. His proclamation guarantees that our salvation is secure and that nothing can separate us from the love of God.

As we reflect on Jesus’ lasting proclamation, may it stir a deep sense of awe and gratitude within us. Let His finished work shape our understanding of God’s redemptive plan, our identity as His beloved children, and our mission to share His love with the world.


We have journeyed through the depth of Jesus’ love and the profound meaning behind His final proclamation on the cross. We explored the contextual understanding, unveiling the sacrificial nature of His love and the theological implications of His finished work.

Again, Let us be reminded of the powerful declaration of Jesus’ love as He proclaimed, “It is finished.” These three words encapsulate the culmination of His earthly ministry and the ultimate act of love ever witnessed. We find forgiveness, reconciliation, and the hope of eternal life in His sacrifice.

In closing, let us pray, thanking God for His indescribable gift of love and asking Him to empower us to live in the reality of Jesus’ finished work. May His love continue to transform us, inspire us, and be the foundation of our faith. Amen.

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