According to Pew Research, this is the year that Millennials will surpass the Baby Boom generation as the largest living population in the United States. It’s a population we want and need to engage.
Millennials were the first generation to grow up with computers in their home, personal internet, and social media. They were the first generation for whom Facebook, Twitter, smartphones, and online dating seemed perfectly natural.
The smartest churches are figuring out how to engage this young, busy, and powerful generation. Here are 4 ways:
#1: Their church staff has age diversity
One of the fastest ways to tell if your church is Millennial-friendly is to pull up the staff page on your church website. Is your church staff multi-generational with Baby Boomers, Gen-Xers, and Millennials represented in leadership positions?
#2: They create an authentic experience
Millennials want more than just a good sermon on Sundays. They are looking for an authentic experience. Growing churches have pastors and church staff who are authentic and able to intentionally connect emotionally to their congregation.
#3: They meet Millennials where they are
Millennials are accustomed to a transient and on-demand culture of Netflix, iMessage, and Amazon Prime. Make it easy for Millennials to stay connected through a church app and by livestreaming your services and podcasting the latest sermon.
#4: They have vision, vision, vision!
Millennials care about changing the world, and they want to be a part of organizations that are making a difference. The single, most important thing you can do to engage with Millennials is cast the vision of how your church is changing the world through the love of Jesus.