God calls us to be brave. Sounds easy enough…right? “1 Timothy 1:7 says, “for God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and of a sound mind.” God is the only One you should fear; all other fear is not from the Lord and it will control you and steal your ability to keep your eyes on the prize. Only by submitting yourself to God and resisting the devil, will fear be banished. What do you fear most?” idea of bravery seems so crystal clear yet, we often struggle to act upon this in our daily lives. Fear holds us back and it is one of our biggest obstacles. God reminds us to be brave because He wants to not only remind us to be brave, but to overcome fear. We are not alone and we do not need to fight fear alone. God is here to help us! He wants us to trust Him and walk with Him in obedience and love. One easy and simple way to tackle fear is by counting God’s blessings in your life. Recall the times when God blessed you and thank Him with a grateful heart. “His word promises in 1 Corinthians 10:13 in every temptation, the Lord has already provided a way of escape, so you will be able to endure it. Jesus will conquer through you when you look to Him.” Another way to tackle fear is to remember God’s promises. We need to trust what God has promised to us will be fulfilled. He has never failed us in this area before. God has promised to be with us always so that we are never alone and to strengthen us when we feel weak. The only way to see God’s promises fulfilled to us is through conquering our fears. Through Christ we can focus on the good and remember what He has promised us and therefore not be afraid. It is when we become afraid and fearful that we are not brave. We can also overcome fear by refusing to accept evil. Fear is fueled by listening to the wrong voices and evil. It doesn’t matter what other people think about you in the world, what matters is what God thinks. You can only fear one; God or Man. There will always be negative people in life. These people will want to break you or tear you down but listening and submitting to them would only be giving into fear. You cannot be afraid/ You cannot accept fear. Look to Jesus as the most perfect example of bravery. Jesus has the bravest faith that overcomes all the fears of mankind. Be Brave.