In his book The Passion-Driven Sermon, Jim Shaddix points out, “The Corinthian congregation was a classic, living example of how disunity in the church comes from doctrinal ignorance and spiritual immaturity. In fact, Paul already said his solution to disunity was for everyone to hold the same understandings and opinions and to speak the same truths (see 1 Corinthians 1:10). So Paul’s preaching purpose—the thing at which he aimed—was such a belief on the part of individual Corinthians that would become the very substance of their corporate existence. Whether they would have faith was not the issue. Paul knew they would embrace something; everybody does, but he wanted to make sure their belief system was formed on the right foundation. This faith would function as the supernatural glue that would hold them together as the body of Christ. There never will be unity in any church apart from doctrinal integrity.

“I may not be smart enough to address all the perceived needs and relevant subjects with just the right fix-it sermons, but what I can do is simply be faithful to preach the Bible and its Christ, believing God will produce a faith in His people that will bind them together in community. When people embrace the genuine faith of Scripture and walk with God accordingly, it will take care of all that stuff that needs fixing.” (Click here to learn more about the book.)

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