Fritzpw_Admin says, Hello there everyone! |
Fritzpw_Admin says, It is so great to have you here with us tonight. We have a special guest with us tonight but first I’d like to introduce our volunteers… Entrtnment_Editor is looking snazzy in the tux and also helping on stage we have rt_editor, SpikeHost, Clare_Host, and angelmuffin. Helping out in the Auditorium we have AppleHost and StormyHost. |
Fritzpw_Admin says, And now for her second visit to Chat here’s Jennifer Knapp! |
Jennifer_Knapp curtseys demurely. |
madchatter asks, What’s the significance of the title, “The Way I Am“? Are you saying the two records were somehow not reflective of who you really are? |
Fritzpw_Admin says, LOL |
Jennifer_Knapp says, It comes from the title of the song, “The Way I Am.” It tells how I’m not like Christ, but I’m trying to be |
rom7/playpartie asks, hey Jennifer your first album was rather raw and more real than the others. Do you feel like maybe you sold out a bit? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, I don’t feel like I sold out at all. I try to write songs that mean something to me. Within that context, I try to relate that to a general audience in a format that is appropriate for the masses, not just an individual. |
coming_home asks, Hi Jennifer I love you music…I was wondering what brought about the change of pace on your new CD it seems quite a bit different from your other music |
Jennifer_Knapp says, Two reasons: 1. I wanted to make an epic pop record. I wanted to make it sound big and deep. 2. One of the ways I did it was with my producer, Tony McAnany. |
angel_adj asks, Hey Jen! Which one of your songs is your personal favorite? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, It really varies. Right now, I enjoy “The Way I Am” and “Usher Me Down”, but that can change in a heartbeat. |
whs_blonde asks, Now that you are no longer under the management of Alabaster Arts, is there another way that the fans can reach you (i.e. and address)? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, Currently, there is not an Internet basis. An alternative for fans is |
madchatter asks, I had heard you were going to tour in Australia. What happened? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, I had no such plans. |
Fritzpw_Admin says, Call it an urban legend. *smile* |
whs_blonde asks, Why did you choose to Co-headline with Jars of Clay for your new album instead of headlining by yourself like on the Back 40 Tour? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, We really like touring together. And we didn’t want to do a package industry tour. It was also a market decision because there are a lot of tours going out in the spring. |
angel_adj asks, What would you suggest for someone wanting to get started with a (Christian) singing career? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, Be involved in music because you love it. And do it at your church first. |
lucygroove asks, I don’t know if I’m suppose to ask question now, so I’ll go ahead just in case. Have you talked to your roommate in college that helped lead you to Christ(recently)? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, I haven’t spoken to her in a couple of years. |
whs_blonde asks, Jennifer, can you please explain the meaning behind your song “Charity”? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, It’s a picture of the unexpected places in which you see the grace of God. It’s more an emotion than it is a story. |
Fritzpw_Admin says, Chatmaster has some announcements for us… |
chatmaster shouts, Order your own copy of Jen’s latest release, “The Way I Am.” |
chatmaster shouts, Be sure to check out this alternative Jennifer Knapp Website —“ |
madchatter asks, The record company is crowing about the sales of “The Way I Am,” apparently 90,000 units in two months. Are you as satisfied, artistically, with “The Way I Am” as the record company is with sales of the record? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, Most definitely. I was nervous that the record wouldn’t sell because of the different style that I went for. |
noblewar asks, Any plans to do more videos of your recent songs? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, Yes, we’ve been trying to do a video of “Breathe on Me” for the last six months, but we keep getting delayed on taping. We will try to tape in May. |
danielle23 asks, Have any books or movies or plays influenced you or changed your way of thinking in some way? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, Not recently, but I have been influenced by the writings of C.S. Lewis and J.D. Phillips. As well as the writings of Bob Briner. |
Fritzpw_Admin says, What is your favorite work by C.S. Lewis? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, “Mere Christianity“. |
cowgirl_14 asks, Hey Jen!! I love the *Sing Alleluia* song that you do with Mac Powell! You’re voices are really great together and I love how worshipful it is. Would you ever consider doing a worship album with him, or at least touring with Third Day sometime when your tour with Jars is over? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, I did do a tour with Third Day. I consider all my records to be worship records. |
madchatter asks, You look pretty ripped in the promo photo for “City on a Hill – Sing Alleluia.” Do you work out? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, Yes. I lift my fork from my plate to my mouth. |
Fritzpw_Admin says, I hear that can be pretty strenuous… |
cowgirl_14 asks, In interviews you’ve said a lot about writing, even has a young child, but I’ve never heard you talk about singing as a child. Was singing something you always loved doing and had you ever considered it when you were young or was it something that kinda came up during college? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, I didn’t start singing until I was 19. I didn’t plan to make singing my career. It was one big accident. |
rom7/playpartie asks, Jennifer, have you seen any upcoming Christian folk guitarist or any artist at all that we should be looking for? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, I haven’t been out a lot lately. Shaun Groves is making a big impact right now. |
chatmaster shouts, Sign up for Music Zone and get all the latest Christian Music news. Just goto and enter your email address in the sign up box on the right.” |
chatmaster shouts, Want tour info for Jennifer Knapp and Jars of Clay? Goto and scroll to the bottom where it says “Events in your Area.”” |
guest32 asks, how did you get “discovered,” or get your start in the industry? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, Toby Mckean founded an independent project of mine and gave me a call. |
gumby2000 asks, what do you think about the secular trends found in the music of so many Christian music ministries today? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, I think as long as people are creating music it is what is important to THEM that really matters |
guest73 asks, what does your song “The Way I Am” mean? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, It’s based off of the scripture where Jesus says that it is better for a man to poke his eye out than to have it sin against him. |
babson64 asks, I think “say won’t you say” is a brilliant song … are you surprised that some of your quiet songs can be just as powerful as some of your others? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, It’s definitely a concern that I face criticism for… That somehow it isn’t as entertaining to be mellow. |
irish_lass asks, would you consider your theology Calvinistic (unconditional election, limited atonement ect.), or do you disagree with that? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, I generally don’t consider… I consider the fact that I don’t know the absoluteness of what God will do in the end. I’d like to think that my faith in him… My belief in his existence is gaining me a place at the table… Beyond that it is a little mysterious to me. |
guest34 asks, I’m going to Turkey in the summer for a mission trip. Have you ever been on a Mission trip? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, Yep, lots of them. |
guest22 asks, Hey! So how is your whole sarcasm problem going? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, What do YOU think? |
Jennifer_Knapp *chuckles* |
guest43 asks, what would you be doing now if you weren’t a singer? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, good question… I don’t really know. I started college as a music education major. |
gracenu asks, hi Jennifer! have you noticed how much “angst” is in Christian music..? I wish believers could KNOW the GRACE and the completeness of what Jesus did for us all…comment? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, I’m not surprised that people find it difficult to believe in a free gift especially in our society today. It is a very unique and mysterious gift… I think it deserves the investigation that serious people give it. |
bobby_c asks, Good evening Jen. With all the controversy over Christian artists performing at Christian-bashing events (Lilith Fair, et al), what is your view of Christian artists performing at events benefiting Planned Parenthood, NOW, and also those that sell alcohol? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, Of my participation in what you refer to as Christian bashing… I haven’t experienced Christian bashing at all and I feel that is a misnomer and a misjudgment. I’ve certainly not in the times I’ve been involved and working for non-Christians feel that I was defamed for my faith. If anything I felt really encouraged to be different and to be respected. I probably received more acceptances by those people than those in the Church. |
irish_lass asks, what do you think about women being leaders in the church (eg. pastors, deaconess’)? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, I think that women are capable of it. I don’t think there’s any source of anger for me that women are leaders. I think the Bible speaks very clearly about the role men are supposed to have but don’t always take. |
guest122 asks, What do you do to help keep you accountable on a spiritual level? Especially when you travel… |
Jennifer_Knapp says, I don’t find that travel is any more an excuse for accountability than for anybody else that stays at home. I find that I have the same problems and challenges that the average believer has. |
kilimanjaro asks, Some people compare you to Michelle Branch and Jewel …do you agree with these comparisons? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, I don’t know who Michelle Branch is… You know people can say what they want. Comparisons are more for the people making the comparison than they are for the artist. |
guest42 asks, What secular artists influenced you musically before becoming a Christian? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, I would say that artists like Indigo girls were revolutionary for me because they took the acoustic guitar to a new level. Also R.E.M. Had an influence on me. |
pappy1966 asks, Do you write all your own material? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, Yep, with the exception of a few covers here and there… Yea, I write my own records. |
gracenu asks, where do you think modern Christianity *is* at these days…? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, I would say its curiously commercial and popular and relatively in vogue to be a spiritual person. |
guest95 asks, What’s your current favorite song?…yours and someone else’s? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, I really don’t have one… Haven’t been listening to a lot of music. |
wbyeager asks, Congratulations for “Breathe On Me” hitting #1 on the Christian Pop chart! Are there any plans for a follow-up single? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, yes, Yes, “Say Won’t You Say.” |
noblewar asks, Do you have a home church to go to, and do the folks there treat you like a regular person or do you get fan adoration even there? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, I would say that Church is one of the most difficult places for me to be as a Christian artist. |
guest42 asks, Do you ever get tired of being on the road and just wish you could go home and chill? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, I get a fair amount of time at home. |
guest96 asks, do you enjoy hearing people cover your songs, or does it annoy you |
Jennifer_Knapp says, I haven’t heard a lot but it doesn’t bother me. Probably more surprising to me that anyone WOULD want to cover it. |
guest141 asks, Are you looking forward to the Dove Awards this year? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, I seriously doubt I’m going. |
guest141 asks, Is there any Christian celebrity/author/musician/speaker that you’d like to meet but haven’t yet? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, honestly, I really wish I could meet C.S. Lewis… But that is a tad bit impossible. |
guest221 asks, do you listen to Secular music? if yes , is it often? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, I would say that I listen to more secular music than I do Christian music. |
guest215 asks, Jenny – do you have any historic Christian heroes of the faith? St. Augustine. Whitefield, etc.? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, I wouldn’t necessarily say that I have any heroes or any examples in any format… I usually make my own way. I’m pretty boring… *smile* |
guest165 asks, Has 9/11 changed what you’ve been doing? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, I wouldn’t say it’s changed what I’m doing outside the fact that there are market changes… I can’t say I’ve experienced anything more intense than before Sept. 11. I have found that there are more people willing to listen now that would not have been willing before. |
guest225 asks, as an established artist have you been able to do anything to help struggling or local artists? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, At this point, I’ve been pressured to maintain being established. I haven’t had the opportunity to experience any of the extracurricular things that I would normally enjoy due to my schedule. |
initnotofit asks, I enjoyed your duet with Audio Adrenaline on the ‘Stadium Jam’ co. Are you planning to do any more duets with other artists soon? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, There really is not any plans… It is mostly invitations I get or if a particular song interests me. I kinda just take what comes. |
chatmaster shouts, Order your own copy of Jen’s latest release, “The Way I Am.” |
chatmaster shouts, Be sure to check out this alternative Jennifer Knapp Website–“ |
flight180_fan asks, are you surprised at how much success your albums have had? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, definitely |
guest73 asks, Jennifer, I love your music because it is so real and it takes God outside the box. How do you usually create lyrics? And where did you get the courage to be so different? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, magnetic poetry. I write.. I don’t try to plan what I write. It is what I end up speaking in my little poetry world. |
rom7/playpartie asks, Jennifer, would you ever go into the secular music market. |
Jennifer_Knapp says, sure, why not. |
mma119 asks, The Bible says we should be a separate people. Do you think Christian music today is trying to fit the standard of the world, rather than trying to be separate and different? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, in my very humble opinion there is more concern with what most people want to be rather than who they are. Outside of that… The advantages to the types of music being a Christian artist fulfills and at the same time I experience disappointment in the subculture that has been created. There are just as many challenges as believers to do things well and holy as there are in the secular world. |
guest42 asks, Jen, is there anything specific that we as brothers and sisters in Christ can be in prayer for you about? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, Yes… Just be in prayer. |
guest235 asks, How do you usually get your ideas for your songs? Scripture, personal experience, etc.? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, there isn’t a magic formula. I just kinda sit down and I’m often surprised at where I end up at the end of a song. |
guest96 asks, I’ve seen you in a small setting and in large arenas, which setting do you prefer |
Jennifer_Knapp says, I like them both for entirely different reasons. |
noblewar asks, Ever considered just taking a year or two off and take some time for yourself? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, I’m doing that right now actually… I’m trying to get there. |
guest225 asks, I really enjoyed your Foo Fighters cover at Coverstone 2000. what is/has been your favorite festival? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, I would say cornerstone is definitely one that has grown to let the artist be an artist. It’s pretty enjoyable. Festivals are pretty similar… Kinda like a big camping event for artists. |
guest29 asks, Have you had any crazy/weird encounters with any fans? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, too many to count. I get love letters from a particular gentleman all the time… How his day went and what he’s going to do the next day |
Jennifer_Knapp shakes her/his head. |
Jennifer_Knapp says, freaky man |
guest135 asks, I have heard some of your songs in a couple of movie’s soundtracks. With more Christian films being made, will you be contributing more to these projects? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, My general rule is I’ll pretty much consider any opportunity to play. Film isn’t really different. I’m not soliciting to be in the Christian film industry. I’m definitely in support of film that is artful and relevant. |
guest296 asks, what kind of spiritual battles do you deal with daily ? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, I would say that faith is probably one of my biggest struggles. Trying to live out the life that God has talked about in His Word and the Faith that comes with that… That’s the unique thing for me. |
guest29 asks, Have you considered doing a live album anytime soon? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, Yea, I actually want to record the tour this spring. I’m gonna try! |
guest29 asks, What was your best experience while recording the “Way I Am”? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, I would say the lyrical surprises of some of the songs I hadn’t finished. |
guest269 asks, You have such an amazing testimony! How do you keep it fresh so the excitement in sharing it never dies? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, If you find out… Let me know. |
Jennifer_Knapp smiles. |
SpikeHost says, Jennifer, have you got any closing remarks for us? |
Jennifer_Knapp says, Thanks for supporting my new record and I hope to see you on tour. |
Jennifer_Knapp waves at everyone. |
SpikeHost says, Thank you again for coming everyone. I hope you’ve enjoyed your Chat with Jennifer Knapp. Don’t forget to order your copy of Jen’s latest release, “The Way I Am“. |
SpikeHost says, Our next Chat will be on Tuesday, Feb. 19 when we’ll be discussing how to identify a spiritually abusive church. Click here for more info. |