Get encouraged & inspired through a variety of topics from ministry life to church leadership development to trending ideas for church growth.
Trust the Story Stories have a power to connect with listeners, so do more telling and less explaining.
Developing a Relational Outline Communication with your congregation needs to be personal and provide practical ways for the members to employ necessary changes.
Effective Preaching Means Less Complexity The rate of illiteracy is growing, which means sermons need to be tailored to what a congregation is able to understand.
Living Transformed Lesson: Identity Transformed Paul Michael Vacca How does conversion and salvation transform one's identity? On what was your identity based, and on whom or what is it based now?
Time Management Includes the Little Things, Too How well do you manage all the tasks that you face? Here's a resource that could help you tackle the urgent and less-urgent items on your list.
Border Security Mark Cornelius Questions of proprietary ownership and belonging run deeply within the human psyche, including from a spiritual perspective in the Judeo-Christian heritage.
Christian History Institute Introduces the Newly Revived Christian History Magazine in Print and Self-Study Website Press Release Publisher, CHI, Offers Christian History Resources for Home, School and Church Use, on a donation basis
A Novel Approach to Preaching Todd Outcalt Could preachers and pastors learn much from fiction? What do novels have to teach those in the pulpit?