Visionary Leadership

Dreams, visions and goals are not the same in their composition. Wise leaders know the results of each will be a different outcome.

A Hellish Problem

On the doctrine of hell and of a loving God, is an eternity in hell considered to be punishment or the result of a fate requested by a sinner of a loving God?

An Event-Filled Supper

How would you have interpreted the Last Supper if you'd been given a glimpse into this intimate event with Jesus and His disciples?

Illustrating the Truth

It's important not to do an unjustice to the truth of the Word by illustrating with stories which potentially could be false.

How Do Guests See Your Church?

Just as ladies' magazines advise to stay a night in your own guestroom to experience what your guests would experience, so you should visit your own church, seeing it as a first-time visitor would.