Get encouraged & inspired through a variety of topics from ministry life to church leadership development to trending ideas for church growth.
Preaching at Mid-Life Because life happens in phases and stages, we must guard against preaching only from our most recent life experiences.
Learning from Mistakes Growing leaders means letting others learn from their mistakes and gain experience.
Thanks for the Investment Michael Duduit The legacy of a seminarian, professor and mentor lives on in those whose lives he touched.
Preacher Is an ‘Exegetical Escort’ The primary responsibility of a preacher is to accompany listeners through the text of God's Word.
Biblical Text Gives Form to Sermon The Bible is one book of many genres, used for each writer's specific purpose and intent regarding what needed to be communicated through the writing.
Rethink Books Announces BookShout! Platform to Make e-Reading Interactive Press Release BookShout!, a new social/e-readign tool, has the potential to change the way we read e-books.
Don’t Be Afraid to Preach Your Passion What has had a significant impact on your life? Perhaps that is what you are to preach about if it has stirred a passion within you.