Get encouraged & inspired through a variety of topics from ministry life to church leadership development to trending ideas for church growth.
Mission-Minded or Self-Serving? A Deeper Look into Church Dinners Andy Clapp Everyone has to eat, and the church is called to feed the hungry. How well is your church accomplishing this biblical mandate?
In the World Robbie Pruitt What does it mean to be in the world but not of it; and if we were placed in the world, why are we supposed to be set apart from it?
Nephilim: Lessons from Babel Robbie Pruitt Are we still attempting to build Babel today? What's to be learned from this lesson other than the origin of various languages?
6 Tips to Make Your Online Sermons More Useful Brad Hill Where does a sermon go after Sunday services? Do they live on the church website? Are they listened to again and again? Here are some tips to extend the life of your sermon and the hard work that went into creating it.
What Do I Do Now? Andrew Milich Which way do I go from here, and how do I know when God is closing one door only to open another one?
Missional Preaching Is Kingdom Preaching Missions and the kingdom of God are the one and the same, and such preaching should be indicative of this fact.
How the Church Has Become Like Augusta National Andy Clapp Churches with the wordview of the Pharisees are as elitist as The Masters-the antithesis of what Jesus calls them to be.