When I was in India teaching, I encountered many strange and exotic things. It is said that India assaults all of your senses at once. This was in a way true for me. There I found something -- or someone -- who I recognized. I want to talk to you about her. I found her coming to me in several persons.
Maxwell's most recent book is on communication, and Preaching Executive Editor Michael Duduit recently visited with him about the insights pastors can gain in this critical area.
There is no easy way to answer the question: "Should the preacher provide interactive outlines which the congregation can use to fill in the blanks?" So much depends on the personality of the preacher and the style of delivery. The same goes for the congregation. Some on the left-brain end of the spectrum learn best by cybernetic activities such as filling in blanks. Those on the right-brained end of things like a little more conversational style married to more jolting, creative techniques of learning.
On the radio this morning I learned about something that made me say, "Wow." It seems that motivational speaker/author Tony Robbins has a special offer for his biggest (and richest) fans. For just $1 million, Robbins will give you his personal phone number, and you can call him for counsel and encouragement as much as you would like for a year.
In Dangerous Intersections (Broadman & Holman), an excellent book by Jay Dennis and Jim Henry (two Orlando pastors), they talk about 11 of the most dangerous intersections through which the church must navigate today. The very first one they deal with is the "Intersection of Worship and Missing God," which they call the most "exciting" and the most "dangerous" intersection of all.
In a recent article for Pastors.com, Ed Stetzer talks about ways to "love God with your mind" and sharpen your preaching skills. One of the most important: Keep asking questions.
In Key Life magazine, Steve Brown observed, "I love Jesus' words concerning tax collectors. When He was criticized for spending time with such riffraff, He responded, 'Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. Go and learn what this means, 'I desire mercy, and not sacrifice.' For I came not to call the righteous, but sinners'" (Matt. 9:12-13).
The Word of God tells us that we are to "show honor unto whom honor is due (Rom. 13:7)" This is true not only for people; but several times in the Bible, God commands that "milestones" be erected in order to remember His faithfulness.