?In 1889 John A. Broadus, the father of expository preaching, offered the prominent Beecher Lectures on Preaching to the campus of the divinity school at Yale University.
?It's safe to say that when the pastor of First Baptist Church in Maryville, Ill., began preaching his Sunday morning message on March 8, 2009, he had no idea it would be his last.
Modern preachers use a plethora of electronic gadgets to keep up with e-mails, text messages, Internet resources and daily appointments. Yet they fail to employ the most basic tools to store and retrieve vital illustrations.
If we preachers are faithful and true to the prophetic side and even to the priestly side of our calling, we can expect the tomatoes and eggs and slings and arrows ... But what about bullets?
FRANKLIN, TN—Steven Curtis and Mary Beth Chapman on Tuesday announced the opening of a newly renovated? facility in China to take care of orphans with special needs, as part of their ongoing effor... Continue Reading...
While Father's Day is not on the official church calendar, we are glad to recognize the role of fatherhood in the Bible because this is a well-covered topic.