I must tell you that I have been troubled regarding the face of things in our country and within the family of God. My major battle has had to do with one word, one concept. My battle has to do with integrity.
Mrs. Vivian Berryhill will be a distinguished keynote speaker at the 2007 Global Summit on AIDS and the Church, at Saddleback Church, in Lake Forest, California.
It was not what they were looking for but they found it anyway! Earlier this year, the Institute for Jewish and Community Research surveyed 1,200 professors from a cross-section of colleges, seeking their attitudes toward various religions...
My last article challenged preachers to Think as Trinitarians. Once preachers understand that the doctrine of the Trinity is not some abstract, unpractical theory, but rather a practical invitation to "participate" in communion with our triune God, everything changes.
Each year brings a continuing flow of various study bibles and this one has been no different. Some such Bibles seem merely to be the result of marketing efforts, but others are truly helpful.