Appealing But Not “A-Pauline”!

Did you read about Arizona's pounding pavement pelicans this summer? In July the Arizona Game and Fish Department was called upon to nurse over 30 dehydrated, emaciated, banged-up pelicans. From Yuma to Phoenix, these birds were literally flying into...

Jesus in Prime Time conference to be held on October 29

The Howard G. Hendricks Center for Christian Leadership at Dallas Theological Seminary is hosting on October 29, 2007 the conference Jesus in Prime Time: What's "news" about Jesus, and Why does it matter to the church?

Preaching Like Billy Graham (Or Maybe Not)

I have met Billy Graham twice. The first time was during my time in seminary, when Dr. Graham spoke at our chapel. So many people showed up that day that the seminary had to set up a remote video site in the music chapel. That's where I got stuck. In his sermon, Graham began by saying that he had ten points he wanted to cover. He got to only five before time ran out.

2007 Survey of Visual Resources for Preaching

When describing the style of a worship service, the modern day church has often used two descriptions: traditional or contemporary. And when one talks about the use of visual media, it is assumed that video belongs in the camp of the contemporary service. But that perception is quickly changing. Vi

Luis Palau Festival Rocks the Heartland

The largest faith celebration ever presented in Nebraska wrapped Sunday night, July 15th, at the Qwest Center Omaha grounds after two days of the Luis Palau Heartland Festival. Event organizers set the weekend attendance at close to 105,000 people.


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