Preaching To Military Families

I fondly remember growing up and listening to my father and both of my grandfathers as they preached against sin, heaven, hell, and God’s judgment most every Sunday. Yet I never heard a word about our mil... Continue Reading...

Preaching Biographically: An Interview With Chuck Swindoll

Through his books and Insight for Living radio broadcast, Charles Swindoll has become one of America's best-known preachers. For many years Swindoll was pastor of First Evangelical; Free Church in Fullerton, CA, then became President of Dallas Theological Seminary. Now chancellor of DTS, h

Touched Lips!

He came into the pastor's office sheepishly and pulled up a chair. Placing his hands nervously on his knees, he said, "Pastor, I just can't bear to hear anyone else preach. Does that mean God is calling me into the ministry?" A similar soul said he looked up at the clouds