Talking Preaching: The Nation’s Premier Preachers

The very first Preaching magazine interview appeared in the September-October 1986 issue, our second year of publication. It was an interview with David Allen Hubbard, then President of Fuller Theological Seminary. Then came interviews with Fred Craddock, John R.W. Stott, John...

Things I’ve learned In The Past Twenty Years

The process of assembling this 20th anniversary issue of Preaching has been an enjoyable yet challenging process. It's been fun to dig back through many of the 120 past issues we've produced since 1985 - to read the old interviews, sermons, and articles. I've even read through some of ...

Transgenerational Preaching

Each Sunday, the average pastor preaches to several different culture groups. These groups speak different languages, have different values, dress differently, think differently and often have difficulty communicating with each other. These cultural groups are more commonly known as...

To Note Or Not To Note?

My parents grew up in a tradition that viewed preaching notes as a sign that the preacher was not under God's anointing. I joked with them about that when I preached from notes in my first pastorate, which was also my home church. That was over twenty years ago. Since then, I have tried many...

How Do People Listen To Sermons?

Preachers prepare sermons in the hope that congregations will listen attentively. However, a few years ago it occurred to me that ministers seldom ask listeners, "What qualities in a sermon engage you and disengage you?" Preachers turn to a variety of helps to develop faithful sermons that communicate...

Preaching Wisdom

A certain bumper sticker conveyed a similar sentiment with these words, "You are only young once, but you can be immature your whole life."1 In a word, what we sorely lack today is wisdom. What is...

The Fallen Condition Focus And The Purpose Of The Sermon

Determining a sermons subject is half done when a preacher has discerned what the biblical writer was saying. We do not fully understand the subject until we have also determined its purpose. It is too easy to preach on a doctrinal topic or an exegetical insight without considering the spiritual burden of...