Original Or Crispy? Who Can Say?

I remember when it was all so clear. Mom would say, "How about Kentucky Fried Chicken tonight?" and the kids would all say, "Hallelujah!" (Or thereabouts.) Then the Kentucky Fried Chicken people, apparently concerned...

Jesus Came Preaching About Himself

One of the most interesting debates in homiletical circles is the degree to which contemporary preachers should preach like Jesus. On the surface, we might think it absolutely necessary to preach like the greatest Preacher ever. Isn't He, after all, the perfect model? Shouldn't...

Jesus Came Preaching

Only one thing will replace great preaching, and that is greater preaching. For many in the world today preaching has gone into eclipse. It needs to be restored. Jesus commands it, Paul commends it, the church requires it, and history proves it to be essential. We could...

Outsourcing The Word?

One of the hot topics of this year is outsourcing - that is, businesses sending functions (and jobs) to less expensive (i.e., non-U.S.) locations. Businesses use outsourcing for the same reason people go to Wal-Mart: to save...

Blessed Manure!

Every Monday morning I dreaded that call! George was one of my long-term predecessor's biggest fans. And, as much as he was certain no one would ever fill my forerunner's shoes, George tried hard to turn me into a latter-day clone of...

The Humanity Of Jesus

1 John 1:1 That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life." So much for Docetists and their denial of the humanity of Christ! None knew better than...

John Bunyan: Pilgrim’s Imaginative Preacher

On Interpreter's wall hung a portrait of a grave man. He "had eyes uplift to Heaven, the best of Books in his hand, the law of Truth was written upon his lips, the world was behind his back; it stood as if it pleaded with men, and a crown of gold did hang over...