Don’t Forget To Pray For Editors

First they asked pastors not to pray "in Jesus' name" so as not to offend people of other faiths. Now the editor of the International Falls Daily Journal in Minnesota has asked pastors writing the weekly church column to avoid using scripture, lest the columns sound too much li

Preaching: An Affair Of The Heart

Are you preaching for you? For them? Or for Him? It's both a tragedy and a challenge! You and I are called to preach in an era in which entertainment replaces biblical worship in many settings. Inherent within a time like this is an opportunity to refocus. Are we preaching for ourselves?

Proclaim The Word: The Gift Of The Evangelist

Preaching the Gospel to the masses has been a basic method of evangelism since biblical times. It is still an essential approach in our day of population explosion. The evangelistic campaign and the ministry of the evangelist are inseparable: man and method stand together. The Gift of the Evang

PowerPoint: Pro and Con

PowerPoint: Pro and Con "The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world" - 2 Corinthians 5:4a "For the people of the world are more shrewd in dealing with their own kind than are the people of the light" - Luke 16:8b What is the relation

The Priority Of Persuasive Preaching

The importance persuasion plays in various aspects of life was recognized by the ancient Greeks as far back as the time of Homer, and was a recurring subject through the following centuries.1 Numerous Greek writers refer to persuasion, both in formal and informal manners. Indeed, one of the Gre

The Perils Of Parenthood

Those who have been reading Preaching for a number of years know that I am a 48-year-old father of two little boys, ages 7 and 3. (Just call me a "late bloomer.") So for the last couple of years, as my old seminary buddies were putting their kids in college, I've been putting mine in diapers. T

Ruthless Grace!

Are you preaching the theology of scarcity? At our house, we no longer support Christian ministries that send out those "We're going under financially unless you send money now" desperation letters. Nor do we send gifts to those broadcast ministry appeals with a similar message. Why? Simply be