The ultimate challenge of preaching is to take the materials that have been gathered in the exegetical process and transform them into a sermon designed to offer some spiritual nurture for a specific congregati... Continue Reading...
A news item crossed my desk recently about a long-time friend who had spoken at a seminary and counseled these young and future pastors never to carry notes into the pulpit. "Immerse yourself in the message," h... Continue Reading...
Regarding this year's selection process for the best Christian Music Albums of 2002, I think I can speak for all six panelists by saying that it was a trickier process than expected. There was no shortage in ex... Continue Reading...
In times of war, all kinds of innovations come along. World War I produced the tank; World War II produced the atomic bomb. The "space race" produced computer miniaturization and Tang.Now a company called Natic... Continue Reading...
After the slew of Christmas projects that were released last year, this year's crop looks rather skimpy. Don't let that trouble you though, for these nine make up for the small quantity with strong quality. A f... Continue Reading...
2002 was an exciting year for new Christian music, and a good chunk of it came from several talented newcomers. Though we would have loved to include more, ten specific artists handily distinguished themselves ... Continue Reading...
No hype, no radio play, no major distribution. It's not always easy being an independent artist, but it's probably easier today than it ever has been thanks to digital music, CD burners, and of course, the Inte... Continue Reading...
Our first independent artist spotlight from earlier this year was met with such enthusiasm, we decided to make this a semi-annual feature. What follows is another list of ten independent artists (some with smal... Continue Reading...
Contemporary worship was already a phenomenon in Christian music at this time last year. But few could have known about the tragedy that was to come on September 11, or the comfort and impact that songs of wors... Continue Reading...
Contemporary worship was already a phenomenon in Christian music at this time last year. But few could have known about the tragedy that was to come on September 11, or the comfort and impact that songs of wors... Continue Reading...