Who do you see as the Christ-figure in "The Lord of the Rings?" Check out what Jim Ware, co-author of "<a href=http://www.christianbook.com/Christian/Books/product/?item_no=355715&event=SRC&item_code=&p=1007740 target=lotr>Finding God in the Lord of the Rings</a>" had to say in our Chat.
Did you ever wonder what it would be like to chat in a room with over 100 people in it? Join us and see how crazy it can be as we attempt to break the record of 106 people in the VWBug room. We'll also be trying to break our chat train record of 85 people, as well as playing Bible Trivia and BibleBot Mania, and Word Scramble.
Join us for our Bi-annual Chat Blast. There will be prizes!
<b>Thursday, Dec. 27 9-10:30 p.m. ET in the Playroom.</b>
Islamic fundamentalist terrorists are prepared to use biological weapons against American civilians, causing as much, or more, carnage as they did on September 11. Chat with Christian microbiologist Larry Harris about what you should do to stay safe from biological warfare.
<b>Thursday, Nov. 8 at 9 p.m. ET in the Auditorium.</b>
It is about 3:00 p.m. on Friday afternoon. You are almost finished with your sermon and feeling pretty good about it. The main points have come effortlessly. The structure of the sermon has seemed to fall into ... Continue Reading...
Listen to almost any sermon nowadays and you will hear it -- a story. Pastors especially think it appropriate to place some type of narrative at the beginning of a sermon. They do it to "catch the attention" of... Continue Reading...
I will never forget it. Sitting in my office, watching a small black-and-white television as first one, then two towers of the World Trade Center came down in a horrific spectacle of smoke and debris. Like thos... Continue Reading...
Dear Lord, We're still hoping we'll wake up. We're still hoping we'll open a sleepy eye and think, What a horrible dream.But we won't, will we, Father? What we saw was not a dream. Planes did gouge towers. Flam... Continue Reading...
Preaching is the proclamation of God's Word. Thus, it seems to go without saying that those who preach must root themselves in scripture. We must study it so that we can effectively proclaim its truths.Yet one ... Continue Reading...
Her name sounds like holiday music -- Carol. When she smiles her eyes dance like visions of sugar plums in the misty Christmas dreams of children. But Carol's eyes don't often dance these days. In December she ... Continue Reading...
Join us for our chat with James Langtaux, author of "God.com" and "God.net", and learn how you too can have a relationship with an interactive God. <i>There will be prizes!</i>
<b>Thursday, Nov. 1 at 9 p.m. ET in the Auditorium.</b>