Sermons develop in three major ways: deductively, semi-inductively or inductively. In the deductive arrangement, the idea is stated completely as part of the introduction to the sermon, and then the sermon deve... Continue Reading...
"A fire burns before them, and behind them a flame burns." So warns the prophet Joel of its impending judgment upon his wayward nation. In a different sense, the words can be said of Joel himself and the other ... Continue Reading...
At last count, a little book entitled The Prayer of Jabez has sold about 50 bazillion copies, and it's still on top of the best seller lists. (OK, it's actually about 5 million, but the bazillion sales target s... Continue Reading...
What questions do you have for one of today's most prominent bible study leaders? What would you like to know about her life of learning and teaching? Don't miss our LIVE Chat event with Kay Arthur.
<b>TONIGHT at 9:00 pm ET in the Auditorium</b>.
Brian McLaren has become one of the key thinkers and writers on the issue of doing ministry in a postmodern age. A former English professor at the University of Maryland, he left academia in 1986 to become foun... Continue Reading...
To what extent is the Pauline letter a distinctive form of Christian persuasion? It is in the area of inventio that we discover most clearly the distinctiveness of Paul's preaching. Although Paul appeals to som... Continue Reading...
Remember Preaching 101? On the first day of class your professor said, "In this course you will write, think and sleep preaching." Then over the next few sessions he demonstrated the three types of sermons with... Continue Reading...
There's a reason they call him "the mouth of the South." Now he's at it again.Recently Ted Turner was all over the news, not because he started a new cable channel or married another celebrity or even gave anot... Continue Reading...
Contemporary homiletical thought manifests little regard for the teaching pulpit. Yet this kind of preaching need not be the proverbial information dump. A realistic, useful and quite biblical teaching-preachin... Continue Reading...
I have a friend who bought a puppy and named him Zebedee. As time went along "Zeb" became harder and harder to manage, so my friend went to class to learn how to handle him. A revelation awaited him. He found o... Continue Reading...