Scripture is to preaching as wood is to a carpenter. It is the stuff we are all about; it is the material we work with, we craft, and we present to others. The analogy does break down, of course. While the carp... Continue Reading...
The open Bible returned the preacher's confused stare as he read through Judges 19. Head down, staring into the text he pondered his options. It was a good story. Well, most of it was good. He had difficulty wh... Continue Reading...
Most introductions are soon forgotten but some are so unusual or potent to be memorable. My favorite is an ingenious and well-improvised introduction made by Dr. Robert Schuller, pastor of the Crystal Cathedral... Continue Reading...
Michael Quicke has been principal (president) of Spurgeon's College for more than two years, coming to the historic London theological institution following more than twenty years in the pastorate. His most rec... Continue Reading...
Attention, readers: does anybody know where my stuff is? Anybody?Anyone who has ever moved house and home (and that includes every preacher under the sun) can relate to the frustrations of moving. Add to that d... Continue Reading...
He was a dedicated deer hunter, ever since the first time his daddy took him. Every year when deer season rolled around, he grabbed his gun aid headed for the woods. Then he met her and they married, and still,... Continue Reading...
Any preacher without a sense of humor would be better off finding another place of Christian service. Truth is, it's impossible to survive working with most congregations without a healthy dose of humility and ... Continue Reading...
Be tactful with those who are not Christians....Talk to them agreeably and with a flavor of wit, and try to fit your answers to the needs of each one.(Colossians 4:5-6)Speak only what is helpful for building ot... Continue Reading...
"If it keeps getting better and better, oh Lord! I don't know what I'm going to do." Those lyrics express my feeling about computer technology. John 1:3 says "All things were made by Him, and without Him was no... Continue Reading...
It seems a bit of a waste," he said.I nodded. I could see his point. We were talking over coffee in the university laboratory where he and I had been working as colleagues for the best part of two years. Someho... Continue Reading...