I've learned an important lesson: never, ever, ever tell your wife that you're never moving again.When we moved into our Louisville home three years ago, I assured my wife that the only way she'd get me out wou... Continue Reading...
The opening ceremony for the 1996 International Olympic Summer Games in Atlanta, Georgia, is scheduled for Friday July 19 and the closing ceremony for Sunday August 4. This means that every church's congregatio... Continue Reading...
Edward Rosenbaum's visits to the hospital were not like yours. He never had to complete reams of forms or endure the nervous tedium of the waiting room. When Rosenbaum entered, he passed through a private door ... Continue Reading...
Key to the Index:J/A July-August 1995S/O September-October 1995N/D November-December 1995J/F January-February 1996M/A March-April 1996M/J May-June 1996Author IndexAchtemeier, Elizabeth A. Speaking the Unspeakab... Continue Reading...
For most of the twentieth century in the United States, evangelistic preaching meant explaining how the vicarious penal substitutionary theory of the atonement works. The logic of this approach has made good se... Continue Reading...
Preaching demands creative study, but creative study week after week is draining, if not impossible. Studies in creativity clearly indicate that the best creativity is a collective effort.Preachers who excel in... Continue Reading...
Few technological innovations have burst on the scene so rapidly or taken hold so quickly as the World Wide Web -- the graphical interface which allows average computer users to take advantage of the global con... Continue Reading...
I may never again be able to preach on the subject of raising children. I now have one.James Robert Duduit -- light of my life and bane of my sleep-patterns -- arrived in our household on March 30, 1996, at 3:0... Continue Reading...
Peter Taylor Forsyth was born May 12, 1848 in Aberdeen, Scotland. The son of a postal worker and a maid, he was raised as a member of the Black-friars Street Congregational Church. His family was devout, if not... Continue Reading...