As I observe what's taking place in the world of computing these days, I understand what it must be like to drive a Yugo on the Autobahn.Every time I buy a computer, you can set your watch -- exactly two weeks ... Continue Reading...
Morgan Phelps Noyes begins his biography of Henry Sloane Coffin by saying that Coffin's life and ministry constitutes one of the most significant chapters in the story of the Church in the United States during ... Continue Reading...
Since the day the church was born, there have been Christian preachers with deep convictions about preaching who proclaimed abiding themes that have informed, ordered, and sustained the church's life. These con... Continue Reading...
It's 10:00 o'clock Sunday morning. Preacher, do you know where the people are?For the umpteenth time the preacher steps into the pulpit with that awful knot in the pit of the stomach. The feeling is not the fee... Continue Reading...
I was born and bred on three-point sermons. They were the kind my father preached in his small mission church in southern Alabama, and the style I heard echoed at conferences, youth rallies, and revivals. Three... Continue Reading...
Ron Mehl is pastor of the Beaverton Foursquare Church in Beaverton, Oregon -- a church which has grown from eleven people to more than 5,000 during his 21-year pastorate. Ten years ago, Ron was diagnosed with l... Continue Reading...
"Come in, Brother Bob," Fred exclaimed as he greeted the pastor at the door. "Come in and have a seat."As the pastor settled into a living room chair, he said, "I appreciate the chance to come by and visit. We ... Continue Reading...
The Goal
After the cruelty and selfishness of a thirty-seven-year-old man had forced his wife and children from his home, he called in desperation wanting my aid in getting them to return. I said I would try... Continue Reading...
W. A. Criswell is one of the best-known biblical expositors in the evangelical world. He recently celebrated fifty years as pastor of First Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas, the largest congregation in the South... Continue Reading...