Many mutual fund companies offer a variety of funds from which investors may choose. Often one of them is a fund called a Contrarian Fund, or a fund whose strategy could run contrary to the conventional wisdom ... Continue Reading...
Muscles help hold our bones together. When our muscles become flabby they allow bones to shift out of place, resulting in pain or injury. The solution to this problem requires that we tighten our muscles throug... Continue Reading...
As I sit at the computer on a winter day -- the snow piling higher by the moment -- and dream of spring, several things come to mind:- Each issue of Preaching is designed to bring you a variety of approaches an... Continue Reading...
Henry Ward Beecher, one of the most famous preachers of the nineteenth century, once remarked that "a library is not a luxury but one of the necessities of life." Well, it certainly seems that way to the workin... Continue Reading...
I first met Judy Phillips when she returned to Michigan after "wintering" in Florida. In March, Ron Apple and I visited her. We thought she had celebrated a birthday recently so Ron asked, "Wasn't your birthday... Continue Reading...
A small-town newspaper regularly featured the sermon of a local minister. In preparing one of the weekly editions the typesetter mistakenly inserted an "l" for the letter "h" in the word "charity." The text the... Continue Reading...
We preachers live and die by words. Sometimes die is hardly an overstatement, as in the case of the pastor who announced to his congregation, "We've remodeled the nursery, and I want you ladies to help me fill ... Continue Reading...
Ulrich Zwingli was born in 1484 at Wildhaus, Switzerland. He studied for two years each at Basel and Berne, and four years in Vienna, Austria. In 1502 he returned to Basel where he first encountered the New Tes... Continue Reading...
Some pastors are skilled at giving an evangelistic invitation. They spend time thinking of ways to issue an invitation that will be different and will entice the lost in the congregation to respond. Other pasto... Continue Reading...