Suburban Minneapolis is not known as a hot-bed of radicalism -- religious or otherwise. But Leith Anderson, whose very name evokes a memory of the area's northern European heritage, says that the church is lit... Continue Reading...
The scene is a small farm in south Alabama sometime in the late 1940's. The farm house is situated on a knoll about 100 yards from the gravel road that runs through the country community. Behind the house and u... Continue Reading...
Even though 1992 is a tough year for many businesses across the nation, there's one thing that continues to receive increased funding each year: training and continuing education programs. This year alone, corp... Continue Reading...
One of the most painful yet intensely gratifying tasks of the minister is to be involved in the planning and delivery of the funeral sermon. It is painful because of the deep amount of work involved in guiding ... Continue Reading...
Now that the Supreme Court has lowered the gavel on "Dial-a-Porn" 900-number telephone services, all those vacant phone lines will be available for other, more productive uses. Like preaching.The Pope got thing... Continue Reading...
Paul Scherer was born at Mount Holly Springs, Pennsylvania, on June 22, 1892. He graduated from the College of Charleston in South Carolina in 1911, and from the Mount Airy Lutheran Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, in 1916. He was ordained to the ministry of the Lutheran Church in 1916.
Charles Kemp notes, "The great preachers have usually been faithful pastors. The great pastors have very often been effective preachers."Jonathan Edwards needs to be viewed as a pastor-preacher. There are well ... Continue Reading...
(Every weekend, some 15,000 persons make their way to the Chicago suburb of South Barrington, Illinois, to participate in the life of Willow Creek Community Church. Characterized by a contemporary worship style... Continue Reading...
In less than eight years we will break into the third millennium. Apocalyptic fervor and fever loom on the horizon. Books reminiscent of The Late Great Planet Earth will flood the secular and religious market. ... Continue Reading...
Earl Ferguson has defined a sermon as "the length and shadow of a man." Joseph Sittler, in a similar vein, tells us "Preaching is not merely something a preacher does, it is the function of his whole existence.... Continue Reading...