In the execution of the pastor's multiple duties, preaching must rank as number one. It is the responsibility, burden, privilege, calling, joy, agony, and ecstasy which must weigh most heavily upon the messenge... Continue Reading...
When persuaded to preach on the Johannine materials in the New Testament, most of us center our preaching on texts from the Gospel of John or the Revelation of John. We can easily overlook the Letters of John.T... Continue Reading...
With a theme of "Preaching to Build Believers," the third annual National Conference on Preaching drew more than 350 participants for three days of inspiration and insight in Orlando.One new program element thi... Continue Reading...
The narrative approach to proclamation does not preclude using historical-critical tools in sermon preparation. It endorses the priority of the techniques of literary analysis and, in practice, it advocates the... Continue Reading...
On the campuses of many of the nation's most prestigious colleges and universities, there is a new emphasis on the use of "politically correct language." Faculty, administration and student officials are insist... Continue Reading...
"Preacher, what I need you to do is to stomp on my toes and make me do what I know I ought to do!""Pastor, I did not like that sermon for I felt that you were too direct in your application. I do not need you t... Continue Reading...
Children's sermons are an enigma for pastors. If we manage to get past the initial problem of whether they are worth our while in morning worship1 other questions arise. How do we relate to these little people?... Continue Reading...
A Madison Avenue advertising firm surveyed non-churched people a few years ago and asked them their impressions of church. "The problem with church," respondents said, "is that the people are always sad, or the... Continue Reading...
G. Campbell Morgan was born at Tetbury, England, on December 9, 1883. Shortly afterwards the family moved to Cardiff and attended Roath Road Wesleyan Methodist Church.Morgan preached his first sermon at the age... Continue Reading...
Not long ago, a lady came to me after the service, with tears streaming down her face. "Oh, I just got so blessed today," she said. "It was just wonderful!""Well," I said, "I'm glad you got blessed.""I wish I c... Continue Reading...