One of my wife's hobbies is nutrition. For years she has been studying the matter and is thoroughly convinced that it's the key to good health. One word that is very prominent in her nutritional vocabulary is "... Continue Reading...
Although ministers have varied jobs to perform, nothing holds greater priority than the call to preach.Fortunate, indeed, are those churches with shepherds who recognize and accept the importance of the central... Continue Reading...
William Malcolm Macgregor was born at Glasgow in 1861, and served churches at Troon, Renfield, Glasgow, and St. Andrew's, Edinburgh. He was appointed Professor of the New Testament in Trinity College, Glasgow i... Continue Reading...
Most of us preachers were trained to preach within a parish setting, and that continues to be the predominant location for most Christian preaching -- but not all.Despite our training, many of us find ourselves... Continue Reading...
Three small boys in a poverty section of town are standing in front of a grocery store talking vigorously, gesticulating with their arms. Then all three enter the grocery.One goes to one side of the store and t... Continue Reading...
North Phoenix Baptist Church is one of America's "super churches," with thousands of members, a national television ministry, and an international reputation for effective ministries and a powerful pulpit. Rich... Continue Reading...
For a change, why not try a sermon in dialogue? A sermon in which two or more speakers work in interaction with each other can provide some welcome variety. It can catch and hold the interest of a congregation.... Continue Reading...
I've always heard that time flies when you're having fun. If so, I must be having quite a time!It is hard to believe that with this issue we begin the fifth year of publication for Preaching. As you read this 2... Continue Reading...
Some liturgical persons are so scrupulous that they go to confession six, eight, or ten times a day confessing more and more minute sins. Martin Luther suffered this kind of bondage and pestered his confessor, ... Continue Reading...
It is a sacred trust to stand in a pulpit to proclaim God's Word. Only those who have a special encounter with God and feel the impulse of His spirit on their hearts enter such a high calling.The productivity o... Continue Reading...