One of the hit movies of the summer season was Who Framed Roger Rabbit, a delightful film which blends animated characters into a scene with human actors in a remarkable way.Part of the background of the story ... Continue Reading...
Preaching is enjoying a resurgence in the American church. There was a period not long ago when counseling seemed to replace preaching as the integrating function of the pastor. During this interval some instit... Continue Reading...
One of my favorite stories is about Stony Whitaker of Belt Buckle, Tennessee. He went to St. Louis as a young man to get a job in a shoe factory about fifty years ago.When asked what he could do he said he coul... Continue Reading...
We always knew preaching was hard work. At last, there's some evidence to prove it.Harold Freeman, professor of preaching at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas, is currently conducti... Continue Reading...
Only a daring soul would attempt to preach on Job 6:6: "Can that which is unsavory be eaten without salt? Is there any taste in the white of an egg?"1 To publish such a sermon would take even more courage. Char... Continue Reading...
Pentecost is the birthday of the Christian Church, but it has longer and deeper roots than the first century. Because Christianity was an outgrowth of Judaism, many of the holidays are parallel to Jewish ones o... Continue Reading...
For many Peter is only remembered for his impetuous personality, his stark denial of Christ, and his ostentatious remarks. His negative attributes often overshadow his homiletical skills.Following the ascension... Continue Reading...
Sometimes I hear the oddest things when I listen to people talk about their love for the church. It is not that these people are insincere or dishonest. Yet at times their statements suggest a serious lack of u... Continue Reading...
Recently I've begun to realize that pulpits are more than preaching tools. In many churches, they are the final repository of things that don't go anywhere else.I have the opportunity to preach in various churc... Continue Reading...
A. J. Gossip was born at Glasgow in 1873 and educated at the University of Edinburgh; there he attended Alexander Whyte's Church and was licensed for the ministry of the Free Church of Scotland in 1898.He held ... Continue Reading...