Arturo Azurdia III was the featured speaker in Southeastern Baptist Seminary's recent Adams Lecture Series. Azurdia is associate professor of pastoral theology at Western Seminary in Portland, Ore., and the sen... Continue Reading...
How early do you begin preparing for Easter?
1 week before Easter
2-3 weeks before
4-6 weeks before
7-10 weeks before
Earlier than that
Poll Maker
... Continue Reading...
In an issue of his Ministry Toolbox, Rick Warren advises, “One of the most common causes of frustration and friction in ministry is that we don't really listen to each other. Too often we talk at each other rat... Continue Reading...
In a recent issue of his Ministry Toolbox newsletter, Rick Warren said, “Every church must eventually decide whether it is going to be structured for control or structured for growth. For a church to grow, bot... Continue Reading...
How often does your church have official business sessions?
More frequently than monthly
We don't have business sessions as a congregation
surv... Continue Reading...
It’s a Monday morning in mid-April, the church secretary is looking forward to a quiet day in the office to catch up on clerical work on the pastoral staff’s day off. It had been an unseasonably cold winter, fo... Continue Reading...
A wise carpenter takes care of his tools. A gifted surgeon cares for her instruments. A pilot makes sure the aircraft has been well maintained.
As a preacher, your most important physical tool is your voice,... Continue Reading...
Struggling to help children embrace the Bible? The best way to teach something is through story…
Christian parents and leaders know that the Bible is so important to all of us. They also want to pass on that... Continue Reading...