In a Dallas Seminary Daily Devotional a few years ago, Chuck Swindoll talked about the importance of story for effective communication: “Stories transport us into another world. They hold our attention. They be... Continue Reading...
Do you celebrate Advent in your worship services?
Yes, every year
Some years, but not all
We mention it, but there is no formal recognition
We have, but no longer
quotestoknow... Continue Reading...
They will still bear fruit in old age. They will be full of sap and very green... (Psalm 92:14)
Young, newly-minted pastors tend to fall into one of two groups. They either love the seniors in their church—usua... Continue Reading...
In an article for, Rick Warren writes: “a sermon without a conclusion is a message without a purpose. Changed lives come from great conclusions. John Stott said, “If there’s no summons, there’s no s... Continue Reading...
In a typical Thanksgiving weekend in your church, what happens to Sunday attendance?
Larger than usual
About the same as usual
Smaller than usual
We don't have a service that weekend
su... Continue Reading...
In a recent article at his excellent blog on studying scripture, George Guthrie talks about how knowledge of cultural context can help us better understand the Bible. He writes:
If I simply wear my “cultural... Continue Reading...
Maurice Watson is senior pastor of the Metropolitan Baptist Church in Washington D.C., and Largo, Maryland. He has served churches in Arkansas, Nebraska and Georgia, and in 2015, became the sixth pastor of the ... Continue Reading...
Too many see the Bible as just an ancient text, with no relevance for daily life. Even most Christians aren’t spending time in the Word like they should.
And what of the children? In a recent survey, the Ame... Continue Reading...
How would you rate your own congregation on a “heresy” scale?
Solidly orthodox
Mostly biblical, but some concerns
About half and half
Some solidly biblical, but most not
My church is packed... Continue Reading...
Steve Gaines has been the senior pastor of Bellevue Baptist Church in Memphis, Tennessee, since 2005. He has pastored multiple churches in Texas, Tennessee and Alabama over the last 30 years. In June 2016 he wa... Continue Reading...