This article originally appeared in the Fall 2016 issue of Preaching magazine. Click here to subscribe and have the magazine delivered to your door!
I began my chapter on preaching and postmodernism in We Cann... Continue Reading...
“Not quite half of the public can identify the names of the first four books of the New Testament, known as the Gospels. A large share believes that john the Baptist was one of Jesus’ apostles. Almost half cont... Continue Reading...
In his new book America at the Crossroads (Baker Books), George Barna offers a disturbing survey of the trends impacting American culture and the challenges they pose to the church. In one chapter he offers ins... Continue Reading...
How often does your church celebrate the Lord’s Supper/Communion?
Twice a year
My IQ Test
... Continue Reading...
With reports about Islam in the news each day, and the need for global Gospel proclamation as critical as ever, Christians need to learn how to engage Islam theologically and strategically, professors Ayman S. ... Continue Reading...
How much time each day do you spend on social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.)?
2 or more hours
1-2 hours
30 minutes - one hour
15-30 minutes
Less than 15 minutes
Free ... Continue Reading...
7 Pitfalls for Preachers
In a recent article for The Gospel Coalition, Michael Kruger discusses 7 pitfalls preachers often fall into. Here are four of the most common:
#1 - Confusing ‘expository’ preaching ... Continue Reading...
Hit preteen game “The Aetherlight” releases a second episode with new locations, new weapons, and new characters—even as it continues to draw young players into the Old, Old story.
The fledgling Resistance h... Continue Reading...
In an article for, John Cassetto offers help to those who must lead their churches through periods of change:
“Change can sneak up on us, it can shake the foundation of our teams, and it can caus... Continue Reading...