Get encouraged & inspired through a variety of topics from ministry life to church leadership development to trending ideas for church growth.
[Video] Why Must Someone Follow Jesus During a recent visit to Yale University, Ravi Zacharias explains to a questioner why it is important to trust in Christ beyond just living a good life.
Planning a Year’s Preaching What methods, devices or practices do you use for planning your preaching calendar?
3 Kinds of Friends You Need What can you do to change the the fact that pastors are some of the loneliest people due to a lack of close friendships?
3 Kinds of Friends You Need What can you do to change the the fact that pastors are some of the loneliest people due to a lack of close friendships?
Trading Places Robert Smith preaches a message from James in this service from the Beeson Divinity School Chapel.
4 Steps to Take After Easter Michael Duduit What are the top four compelling steps to take with visitors following Easter Sunday?