Get encouraged & inspired through a variety of topics from ministry life to church leadership development to trending ideas for church growth.
Becoming Partners in the Gospel Scott M. Gibson Each person has a specific calling. Some are prominent leaders, while others are behind-the-scenes workers, but all are important in God's economy.
Hear What Jesus Has to Say Robert L. Segress Have you really listened to Jesus and what He has to say to your heart?
3 Reasons Why I Do Verse-by-Verse Exposition Have you thought through the reasons you preach the way you do?
Redesigning Our Discipleship Model Mike Glenn, pastor of Nashville's Brentwood Baptist Church and a Preaching magazine columnist, talks with Tim Schmoyer about redesigning the student discipleship model in his church.
Casting a Ballot for Team Jesus Michael Duduit Under what discipleship paradigm does your church membership operate?
Why Alliteration Is No Longer Cool Your listeners are demanding authenticity and vulnerability, truth telling as opposed to catchy, corny gimmicks.
4 Things NOT to Do on Your Church Website Michael Duduit To do or not to do on your church's website is explained here.
God Who Raises the Dead It's not too early to be thinking about Easter! In this 26Ã"minute video, Stuart Briscoe talks about the God who raises the dead.
Laying Down the Pen Michael Duduit There will come a point in each life when we must resign the pen and allow another to pick it up in our stead.